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Know the facts, NLCB LOTTO is an unofficial nlcb website . This means that is not Trinidad And Tobago’s National Lotteries Control Board (NLCB) official website.

Results are generally ascertained from the Trinidad & Tobago NLCB’s televised draws to ensure accuracy.

You can see all the latest most recent results on latest results page or by clicking on one of the results link in the drop down menu bar.

All information received from can be verified before proceeding with winning or losing conclusions. That is and will always be an option or safeguard to insure that we are giving accurate results. has no control or influence for any game results.

You can learn how to play all NLCB games that are available on by opening the how to play page.

Visit any NLCB booth or business place near you and ask for assistance if it’s your first time playing, players must be 18 years and over to play.

All winnings can be cashed in by following the guides in the link for each game.

Trinidad and Tobago Legal Affairs

The Gambling and Betting (Amendment) Act, 1996

The Act deals with the promotion, organizing and conducting of contests by a registered business.Businesses sometimes promote a contest in which purchasers are eligible to participate with the view to winning prizes offered in such contests.

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The contest Itself is a device

Whereby purchasers of goods or services from a business are given entry forms which are completed and deposited at specified locations and thereafter at a stipulated time and place are randomly drawn to determine the winners.

Since the method of determining the winner of a prize in such a contest is based on chance, just so you know the facts, it is not clear as whether as the law now stands it is or not unlawful.

know the facts of Legal Affairs


“Part 11A

After Section

Gambling & Betting (Amendment) Act.

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